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Our Mission

We bridge the gap between the accessibility and affordability of cooling comfort.

Our story begins with a simple conversation recounting the heated suburbs of India and the drought-filled lands of the Philippines— our homelands where a day under 90 degrees Fahrenheit is a rare sight... 


We became concerned with the scorching temperatures around the world creating an environment where the pursuit of cooling comfort is a daily struggle. Although the high temperatures are largely at fault for this discomfort, we found another reason. Due to the daunting costs associated with their operation, there is a pervasive reluctance to use AC units.


We learned that in households across these nations, families find themselves caught between the desire for relief from the oppressive heat and the financial constraints that come with running air conditioners. The economic burden is often compelling individuals to endure the sweltering conditions. This is the sacrifice many make to manage their expenses.


Remarkably, we found this narrative to extend beyond borders. This sacrifice of comfort finds resonance in the United States as well, and often is left unnoticed.


​This is when we understood: money should never be a compromise to comfort. 


This is where our project began its journey. This is where Ecoolair started. 


It is because we believe that comfort should never be considered a privilege, we eliminate cost and maximize accessibility through the use of disposed/recycled materials to build solar-powered fans— fans to alleviate households in discomfort. 


We ask that you extend a hand to those who need this help. Whether it is to recycle a PC fan or to simply spread the word, we need your help.


Join us in our mission today!




Ishita and Danielle.

Who Are We?


Ishita Masetty is currently in high school, and stands as one of the founders of Ecoolair. Her interests lying within the realm of chemistry, she wishes to pursue college with a degree in Chemical Engineering. When she isn't advocating for Ecoolair's mission, Ishita serves to the interests of Indiana TSA as State President, is a youth board member of a coalition that fights against youth drug use, actively researches and pursues projects related to biochemistry, and loves to annoy her brothers (dog included)! 


She hopes to see you contribute to the success of Ecoolair's aspirations, for recognizing the problem is only half the step - taking action against it takes you to the next level. 

Ishita Masetty


Hailing from the mysterious lands of England, Danielle Esguerra is a high school student trying to make a difference (in the plains of Indiana). Amidst a sea of assignments, she works at the local care home, supporting the carers and singing for the residents. Additionally, when she's not drowning in work, she fosters her fascination for the physical sciences, developing a passion for their applications in environmental efforts.


It is through understanding both people and issues that she believes our world can flourish. Thus she is excited to see more and more people help Ecoolair take flight, and advance the humanitarian movement. She truly hopes to see you join too!

Danielle Esguerra

Want to Help?

We're excited that you're excited!


Whether you're a business looking to collaborate, or you're somebody who wants to contribute, we'd be glad to have you on our side.

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